The Kona Soil and Water Conservation District
Has Teamed with the The Konawaena Leo Club.
The Konawaena Leo Club has partnered with the
Kona Soil and Water Conservation District to raise awareness
of soil conservation within the community.
As part of the project, the Konawaena Leo Club has done several
tree plantings this school year and has put together packets
on the five main concerns for soil conservation. The packets
have been mailed out to 100 businesses, including local coffee
farms, to educate private landowners.
We thought it would be good to preserve the land we
have for future generations, Konawaena Leo Club president
Megan Baguso said. And with all the issues like climate
change and everything, I felt like we could help with that.
Kona Soil and Water Conservation District board member Jeff
Knowles visited with the Konawaena Leo Club in June to give
a presentation on soil conservation, and the Konawaena Leo
Club was quick to jump on board with the mission.
Join Jeff Knowles October 24th for a Zoom meeting to discuss
the mission and upcoming events. Click below for a recording
of the Zoom meeting.
Topic: Leos / Kona SWCD Meeting
Date: Oct 24, 2021 02:40 PM Hawaii
Access Passcode: NNUz$7S3
Read the West Hawaii Today article: Cub
stewards with a cause: Konawaena Leo Club partnering up to
raise soil conservation awareness.
Read the following About
Leos | Lions Clubs International.